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28 April 2016

Our yearly learning laboratory From Human Error to Second Victim is always popular for external participants as well as alumni students. This year is no exception. The learning lab, taking place on June 13-17, now has no seats left for applications. Submitted applications will be put on a list of reserves and offered a seat in the case of a late [...]

30 March 2015

During Wednesday (25 March) and Thursday (26 March) Johan Bergström, director of the Lund University MSc. Programme in Human Factors and System Safety, made several appearances in media (radio, TV and paper) to discuss the recent Germanwings aviation tragedy.

23 March 2015

Our MSc degree in Human Factors and System Safety not only contributes to personal development and career paths, it also gives our students a wide network across high-risk domains.

5 September 2014

It is with deep personal regret that we today inform all visitors at this page of Hans Houtman's death. Hans died after a short time of illness. In the Master Programme of Human Factors and System Safety we remember Hans as a great mentor, student but mostly as a fantastic friend. Hans' positive attitude, friendliness, humour and dedication to our [...]

4 July 2014

Our next learning lab will be one introducing the fields of human factors and systems safety. During five days we will together follow the development of the fields, from Heinrich's writings in the 1930's. How has the thinking on why accidents happen evolved? What are the turning points? When has the human been seen as the trouble to control and [...]

27 June 2014

During the Thursday afternoon of our summer learning laboratory we held our traditional graduation ceremony. Five graduates were able to join and share the celebration of their grate efforts over the last years as students in our program. The ceremony followed our traditional format. Following a welcome speech by Johan Bergström, the director of [...]

27 June 2014

This week, when the Swedish sun pretty much never sets, we again gathered out current student, many of our past students (once a student alway a student) and several future students for another learning lab focusing on the ethical aspects of safety. During five days we have, together with Professor Sidney Dekker,  struggled with topics of just [...]

31 January 2014

On January 30 we had the great privilege of having Sweden's first professor of patient safety, Richard Cook as a guest lecturer. At our learning laboratory "Critical Thinking in Safety" professor Cook spent a full day introducing our new students to the history of the discipline human factors. He also shared his thoughts on topics such as incident [...]

31 January 2014

15 new students have now started their journey towards a MSc degree in Human Factors & Systems Safety at Lund University. The class of 2014 started with the learning laboratory "Critical Thinking in Safety" between January 27 and January 31. The learning laboratory focused on introducing human factors and systems safety as academic disciplines and [...]

28 November 2013

The following learning lab dates are confirmed for 2014: Critical thinking in human factors and systems safety: January 27-31 From human error to second victim (with Dr. Sidney Dekker): June 23-27